Thursday, May 24, 2012

Yet Another Update

Well, we went in for more blood work this morning to make sure the little fellas are growing.  My number's came back really, really strong.  I was so relieved!  I feel like I can let myself believe that I'm actually pregnant now.  I was much, much, much more nervous today than I was on Monday.  Just to hear that it/they were growing and growing strong....PHEW!  Okay, details!  My HCG was at 366.  Given that number compared to the 86 on Monday, something is growing strong!  I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it was twins but there is a good chance it's only one.  Definitely not triplets!!  I hate to admit it but that is definitely a relief.  I have been having anxiety attacks about possibly having triplets--that would make 6 kids under 6 so don't judge me!

Next step is ultrasound on either June 7th or 8th.  CANNOT WAIT!  Seriously, I am so excited!  And that's how we're rolling for now!  Currently I am wearing 3 estrogen patches that I switch out every 2 days that costs $15 each.  Yeah, we sound like "high rollers" but we're not!  Then I am receiving a horrible progesterone oil shot every night.  I feel like I have a massive sandbar on each of my butt cheeks from these shots.  They wake me up at night because I rock from one side of the lump to the other in my sleep and it feels like you're rolling over a bruise.  Not to complain...just trying to record the realities of it all for the future.  I still have to get my blood drawn every week to test all my levels.  All oft that stuff will go on until I am 11 or so weeks and then I will be officially done with all of the stuff that makes my pregnancy unique and just be a normal prego girl.  That's it for now!


Shalie said...

WOW, I'm so glad your number is so high that is awesome!! I can't wait for your ultrasound either, I hope it's twins, that would be so neat for you :) Thanks for the updates, I love reading them!

Kristin W. said...

That is such great news! I saw a peek of your patch the other night during Bachelorette and thought, "what a sexy mama!" I hope to see another peek of it during our camping expo this weekend. just kidding. I CAN'T WAIT for your ultrasound!!! Twins would be so cute!

Kristie said...

yayyy Emily that is so great!! I am so so happy for you. And did you just say butt cheek?! hahaha

The Child Family said...

Oh I am so glad you numbers are so high!!!! Strong little one(s) in there. I can't wait to hear how the ultra sound goes. and I don't blame you for not wanting triplets- 6 kids under six, not to mention triple strollers are WAY more expensive than double :)

Cameron said...

So, so happy for you guys! I don't think ANYBODY would judge you for not wanting triplets. That is a lot for anyone to handle, let alone someone with three already. Miss you!

Meredith said...

yay yay yay!!

Ryan and Andrea said...

I am so excited for you guys! If it is twins, you are the person for the job. You are the BEST MOM EVER!! Good luck & great news!!

Debbie/Mom said...

Oh...Emily....I didn't know you were having to do all that stuff still..
how long will you have to do all of it? BUT...I'm sure glad you're willing to make the sacrifice for those little babies...(I'm hoping for twins...not triplets though..I love you too much to wish that busy-ness on you my dear...but if anyone could handle it, you certainly could!) Keep posting!! Love you!

Shapiro said...

Congratulations you guys! I checked a while ago and saw that you were starting the process - hooray!!!
I can't wait to hear - we are excited for you guys! We just had number three four weeks ago - another boy - looks just like Nathan and Marcus! :) You both are amazing parents - these kiddos are lucky and I can't wait to hear about how your family continues to grow! Love you guys!