Well, we went in for more blood work this morning to make sure the little fellas are growing. My number's came back really, really strong. I was so relieved! I feel like I can let myself believe that I'm actually pregnant now. I was much, much, much more nervous today than I was on Monday. Just to hear that it/they were growing and growing strong....PHEW! Okay, details! My HCG was at 366. Given that number compared to the 86 on Monday, something is growing strong! I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it was twins but there is a good chance it's only one. Definitely not triplets!! I hate to admit it but that is definitely a relief. I have been having anxiety attacks about possibly having triplets--that would make 6 kids under 6 so don't judge me!
Next step is ultrasound on either June 7th or 8th. CANNOT WAIT! Seriously, I am so excited! And that's how we're rolling for now! Currently I am wearing 3 estrogen patches that I switch out every 2 days that costs $15 each. Yeah, we sound like "high rollers" but we're not! Then I am receiving a horrible progesterone oil shot every night. I feel like I have a massive sandbar on each of my butt cheeks from these shots. They wake me up at night because I rock from one side of the lump to the other in my sleep and it feels like you're rolling over a bruise. Not to complain...just trying to record the realities of it all for the future. I still have to get my blood drawn every week to test all my levels. All oft that stuff will go on until I am 11 or so weeks and then I will be officially done with all of the stuff that makes my pregnancy unique and just be a normal prego girl. That's it for now!
4 years ago