Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our Halloween Bash!

Last year in Georgia our super awesome and fun friends, the Forsyth's, introduced us to their annual Halloween Bash.  We made an attempt to re-create the awesome-ness here in the southwest.  I thought it was really fun though I don't think our "attendees" knew quite what they were getting in to!
The Set-up:
 The Victims:
Napoleon and Deb
 Bleeker and Juno
 Gorilla and Banana
 Killer Bee and Bee Catcher
 Superman and Lois
 Pregnant Bella
 My Fave-The Day of the Dead
 Frankenstein and Elvira
 Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox
 Eliza Doolittle and Prof Higgins
 The game:

It was really fun and obviously a good way to get out of your comfort zones.  Thanks, Forsyth's, for the tradition and thanks to all of our ABQ friends who were willing to participate!  Until next year...


Amanda said...

Looks like fun! You always throw great parties :)

Claire Allred said...

that looks so stinking fun. Man, I miss my fellow party-thrower. But you are still living on....good job!