Monday, September 15, 2008

Shameless Promotion


Rebecca said...

cool video- very inspiring.

The Child Family said...

interesting. That was a sweet promotion for McCain, interesting, but sweet.

Rachel said...

Where do you find this stuff? :)

Don't feel sorry for me b/c I'm having another girl...they are natural nurturers (and eventually, great babysitters), say the sweetest and most heart-felt things you've ever heard come from a child's mouth, they are more helpful around my house than my husband sometimes, they are calmer and VERY easily entertained, they are constantly aiming to please their momma, and I must say, it is pretty fun to dress them up! I'll take ALL girls if thats what's in store for me!

The Allred Family said...

I got goosebumps. I loved it. And that is hte greatest song about pride. it talks about "loving this land" in that song. All I ever hear from Obama is about his dislike for the USA. His wife said in a speech recently that "this was the first time I was actually proud of America". Wow, that's a strong statement coming from teh possible future first lady.

Shalie said...

I got chills when he started to walk off and I saw his leg. Its nice to be reminded why all of this started. I wish Palin was running for President, but since she's not, I'll take her as a VP any day! Besides, Obama is a baby killer (the only person in congress to NOT vote against late term abortions).

Lindsey said...

So- it sounds like this might be a cool video, but unfortunately I can't ever listen to videos on your blog because your music is so loud and I can't find a way to turn it off!!!! :(