What do you think Cooper has the best chance of a successful career in?
A. Truck Driver
B. Florist |
C. Artist
D. Jailkeeper |
No Joke story. This is Lukey's "time out" spot. Cooper was getting mad because he was coming out of the shower-->a big no-no!
Next thing I know, I come in and Cooper had rigged my mom's crutch up on the toilet so Luke couldn't get out.
Who does that?
I laughed so hard, thank goodness Luke thought it was funny also!
I think he will do very well as a jail keeper! That's almost scary that he thought of that! It's pretty funny too!
that is an interesting time out spot for such a big house :)
Those Pics of Coop are so cute, and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you finally posted again, since this is the only way I know what's going on with y'all!!!!
That is HILARIOUS! Cooper has such a cute personality :) I miss those little guys so much!
That is totally funny! Your kids are so cute & they will be successful-even as a jail keeper!!
Wow, I'm impressed. he definitely has a jail-keeper career ahead of him. Or a policeman.
Wow, that is one of the funniest things ever! I didn't know that happened. Well, if Cooper really did that I would say you won't have to worry about Cooper's profession b/c he will be successful no matter what.
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