Here is your clue....Let's say you are in Minnesota and you go to watch a baseball game. You are going to "root, root, root for the home team", the Minnesota......
At least we think. Here are the pictures from the ultrasound, I will let you be the judge. Twins, or triplets? We found a third sack in there, and we (the ultrasound tech included) thought we saw something moving around in said third sack. However, it was measuring at a week earlier than the the other two healthy (excellent heartbeats) little babies. We were unable to locate a heartbeat on the third one. The tech said that she wants a doctor to look at it and give a final say, but she said that in her professional opinion it probably would not survive if in fact there is anything in there. So, for your viewing pleasure, I give you Fetus A, Fetus B, and Sack C:
We are SO excited for Twins! Triplets on the other hand, scares us to death. Just imagine 6 kids age 6 and under. I mean 5 kids 6 and under is bad, but 6....AAAGGGHHH!!! We are going back in for another ultrasound probably next week to see if there has been any development on sack/fetus C. Til then....